As in Heaven

Who covenants love among their eternal persons and their creation? The first cause of Heaven and Earth. The essence of life bursting forth in myriad forms.


Who stands as Lord and Master, the self-existent great “I am”, who covenants with the chosen?

Who is the servant Lord and creator, the Lion who bled as a lamb, for the beloved, unto salvation?

Who makes abode in the core of our being while being present in all places and times?
Ruesh Ha Kodesh.

Shama y’Israel, Yahweh Elohim, Yahweh echad.

Hear O seer of our self-existent Lord, the creative singular plurality, our covenant Lord is one.

Majestic. Abba, Father. All hallowed You are.


Why, my soul, why?
Why labor so?
Rest is neigh.

Why attempt rest in distraction
‘Tis rest unburdened by quiet
My body, deposed in still diet
My soul, you run among thoughts lacking traction

My soul, you speak and read
The silicon stones cry out
You heed their call round about
And in reply pay heed

My soul, you think of coffee, tea
Of things past and to come
Of family, friends, then some
And things which cannot be


Be still, O my soul
Be still and know
The One without… yet within
Speaks a word and then

Be washed, O my soul
Your hands forming a bowl
Quenched by Living water,
That sets the heart aflutter

Take in, my soul, the wondrous creation roundabout. Consider how the flowers and trees spring forth from the earth. The birds of the air, perching, singing their song, adorned in glorious garments, flitting about, soaring in the heights. The creatures of land, crawling and digging, running and climbing, leaping, prowling and making their abode in it. The fish of the sea, in splendid array, with all of their consorts. The starry host giving way to warm sun in the magnificent palette of the dawn sky, only to return on the eventide.

Consider the image of Elohim in your own being, that you are sentient of created beauty. Who are you that Yahweh our Adonai takes notice? Yet in Elohim’s beauty you see beauty. In Elohim’s light you see light. You, my soul, are beautifully and wonderfully created.


O Kingdom of Heaven
Press out our leaven
Now born of the Spirit
Consecrated we hear it
Your Word sets us free
As You purposed to be
On Earth.

Take all our debts, transgressions and sin
False judgements we set
Teach us to forgive and then

Lead us from temptation
Excise our stoney heart
Make us a new adaptation
Each glimpse a growing start
Holiness. Your image.

In me
In us
In them
In all
O Light shine in darkness
New birth
New creation

Deliver from the fiery darts of the adversary

From dust to glory
The line of Your story
Your kingdom
Your power
Your glory


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